assertEquals(expectedValue, actualValue)
actual = "Hello"; assertEquals("Hello", actual)
actual = 11; assertEquals(10, actual)
assertNotEquals(expectedValue, actualValue)
actual = "Hello"; assertNotEquals(null, actual)
result = <condition> ? <result for true> : <result for false>
result = (5 > 3) ? "yes" : "no" //yes result = ("foo".equals("boo")) ? 100 : 0 //0
//Java syntax (param "aWidth") setWidth(int aWidth) //JavaScript syntax (params "firstNm", "lastNm") setName(firstNm, lastNm)
//Declared ivars in Java: public class Dog { private String name; private int age; //... } //Implicit ivars in JavaScript: class Dog { constructor(aNm, aAge) { = aName; this.age = aAge; //... }
Assumption for example: Guard against "undefined" Given: value, defaultValue Is value is "undefined", then return defaultValue Else return value
let number = 0; while (number <= 10) { println(number); number++; }
class Car { startCar() { this.engine.startEngine(); } }
class Engine {
startEngine() {
let fct, outerThis; outerThis = this; fct = () => { return (this === outerThis); } prn("Context in function equals outer: " + fct()); //Context in function equals outer: true
class LexicalExample { constructor() { this.count = 0; } increment() { this.count++; } demo() { const fct = () => { this.increment(); }; console.log("Before: " + this.count); //0 fct(); fct(); console.log("After: " + this.count); //2 } } (new LexicalExample()).demo();
function play() { const a = 10; const b = 5; console.log(a + b); }
Component | Example | Also Called |
scheme | https | protocol |
host | | server id or domain name |
path | /shapes/rectangle | or folder name + web filename |
query | width=10&height=2 | query params or search params |
fragment identifier | conclusion | fragment - often used to "go to" a section heading within a page. |
//Examples of using a "no-args" constructor //Given object type (class) Foo //Construct object using "no-args" constructor let myFoo = new Foo(); //Given object type (class) SillyPutty //Construct object using "no-args" constructor let sp = newSillyPutty();